vineri, 28 octombrie 2011
Instalare si configurare Openbox window manager in Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot 11.10
Surse: Main Page - Openbox .
Wikipedia - Openbox .
Openbox - Guide .
Acest ghid este menit instalarii si configurarii Openbox WM pe noul Ubuntu Oneiric 11.10,desi cred ca s-ar putea aplica si editiilor anterioare ale Ubuntu si poate chiar si altor distributii Linux,si aici nu ma refer doar la cele bazate pe Ubuntu/Debian.
Acest ghid nu este insa menit si unei instalari Ubuntu Minimal cu Openbox,desi ar putea fi util totusi si celor care fac asa ceva.
Aici vreau doar sa acopar o instalare manuala sau grafica in cadrul unui sistem Ubuntu deja instalat si functional total,ca o alternativa la deja prezentele desktop environments default(Gnome,KDE,XFCE,LXDE,etc) sau alte window managere instalate(ex:Fluxbox,Icewm,Windowmaker,Scrotwm,Dwm,Blackbox,PekWM,Oroborus,Afterstep,FVWM,etc.).
Openbox poate fi folosit de sine statator sau ca window manager si in Gnome,KDE sau XFCE.
Openbox este foarte spartan,minimalist si simplist si din aceasta cauza poate face putin ceva mai mult ca window manager,dar o face foarte bine insa.
Aceasta poate intimida mult insa noii utilizatori. Openbox ca default nu vine cu niciun panel sau dock si nici cu multe unelete sau aplicatii de configurare.
Ca orice window manager actual Openbox se controleaza si configureaza doar cu ajutorul fisierului autostart din directorul ~/.config/openbox. Ce-mi place mie este ca se bazeaza in general pe aplicatii in gtk,asa ca daca ceva merge in Gnome,Xfce sau E17,va merge si in Openbox la fel de bine.
Vreau sa prezint totul mai mult din punctul meu de vedere,din experienta si exemplele mele,aratandu-va modelul meu de instalare si configurare.
S-ar zice ca instalarea ar trebui sa fie foarte usoara si simpla initial:
sudo apt-get install openbox
Din proprie experienta deja eu v-as sugera o linie de comanda in terminal ceva mai lunga si cat mai cuprinzatoare de la inceput:
sudo apt-get install openbox obconf obmenu obkey lxappearance lxappearance-obconf thunar tint2 wbar conky-all openbox-themes openbox-xdgmenu menu menu-xdg nitrogen feh eterm rxvt-unicode gtk-theme-switch gtk-chtheme
Sau mai simplu puteti deschide synaptic package manager,tastati in campul search "openbox" si instalati tot ce gasiti legat de el.
Si acum nu mai trebuie decat sa ne delogam din sesiunea curenta si apoi din gdm sau kdm,meniul sessions,alegem intrarea nou creata Openbox sau Openbox session.
Cand ne logam pt prima oara in Openbox de fiecare data ne frapeaza desktopul complet gol si gri la culoare doar cu cursorul mouse-ului pe mijloc din care avem doar un menu simplu la click-dreapta,acesta fiind openbox root-menu.
Aproape imediat primul gand care ne vine de fiecare data este editarea menu-ului care sa ne satisfaca cat de cat nevoile minime si decente,setarea unui wallpaper pe desktop si instalarea unui dock pt lansarea usoara a mai multor aplicatii cel mai des folosite.
Pt inceput insa trebuiesc copiate mai multe fisiere din /etc/xdg/openbox/ in ~/.config/openbox/.
sudo cp /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart menu.xml rc.xml ~/.config/openbox/autostart menu.xml rc.xml
Pt inceput vom folosi obmenu care este foarte usor de folosit pana la urma.
Daca la editiile anterioare de Ubuntu eu personal n-am intalnit probleme cu intrarea pt aplicatii din root-menu,in Ubuntu 11.10 am observat ca aceasta intrare importanta refuza sa mai apara,cel mai probabil datorita unui bug ca de fiecare data.
Pt a evita calvarul unei editari masive si dificile a menu.xml cu obmenu sau fara,s-a gasit din fericire o rezolvare si pt aceasta noua problema.
Instalarea sau reinstalarea pachetului menu din comanda sau synaptic nu rezolva deloc functionarea debian-menu-ului cu toate aplicatiile instalate din sistem.
In /var/lib/openbox/ se afla fisierul debian-menu.xml care daca-l copiem si pe acesta in ~/.config/openbox/ dupa care dam comanda "openbox --reconfigure" in terminal ne rezolva cu succes si aceasta problema,aparandu-ne in root-menu o noua intrare -debian cu applications.
Aici putem folosi 2 aplicatii:feh din terminal sau nitrogen ca interfata grafica.
Cu feh putem seta un wallpaper cu comanda:"feh --bg-scale calea catre imagine",de exemplu "feh --bg-scale ~/Pictures/wallpaper.png". Pt a avea la fiecare noua logare aceasta setare trebuie adaugata aceasta comanda in ~/.config/openbox/autostart/ cu aceasta linie:feh --bg-scale ~/Pictures/wallpaper.png & .
Cu nitrogen se poate seta grafic wallpaper din preferences>add>folder.Pt a pastra insa si aici setarile la logare se adauga in autostart linia: nitrogen --restore & .
Icoane pe desktop:
Pt a avea icoane pe desktop in Openbox se poate folosi iDesk,pcmanfm,rox-filer sau nautilus chiar.
Cum am mai spus si la inceput Openbox nu vine cu niciun panel instalat.Daca totusi doriti sa aveti un panel puteti folosi o multime insa: pypanel,fbpanel,lxpanel,perlpanel,bmpanel2,barpanel,xfce-panel,gnome-panel chiar,kicker,tint2,..samd.
Din ce am vazut pana acum cel mai folosit si popular este tint2 pe care l-am folosit si eu la inceput,insa in prezent folosesc bmpanel2.
Postez aici un tintrc foarte dragut care l-am folosit cel mai mult la inceput:
rounded = 3
border_width = 1
background_color = #ffffff 9
border_color = #ffffff 18
rounded = 1
border_width = 1
background_color = #ffffff 40
border_color = #ffffff 30
rounded = 1
border_width = 0
background_color = #ffffff 15
border_color = #ffffff 30
panel_monitor = all
panel_position = bottom center
panel_size = 99.2% 24
panel_margin = 1 7.3
panel_padding = 4 0
font_shadow = 0
panel_background_id = 1
wm_menu = 0
panel_dock = 0
panel_layer = bottom
#taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
taskbar_mode = single_desktop
taskbar_padding = 2 3 2
taskbar_background_id = 0
#taskbar_active_background_id = 0
task_icon = 1
task_text = 1
task_maximum_size = 160 35
task_centered = 1
task_padding = 6 3
task_font = Aller 9.3
task_font_color = #ffffff 50
task_background_id = 3
task_icon_asb = 100 0 0
# replace STATUS by 'urgent', 'active' or 'iconfied'
#task_STATUS_background_id = 2
#task_STATUS_font_color = #ffffff 85
#task_STATUS_icon_asb = 100 0 0
# example:
task_active_background_id = 2
task_active_font_color = #000000 85
task_active_icon_asb = 100 0 0
urgent_nb_of_blink = 8
systray = 1
systray_padding = 0 4 5
systray_background_id = 0
systray_sort = left2right
systray_icon_size = 0
systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0
battery = 0
battery_hide = 98
battery_low_status = 10
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
bat1_font = sans 8
bat2_font = sans 6
battery_font_color = #ffffff 76
battery_padding = 1 0
battery_background_id = 0
tooltip = 0
tooltip_padding = 2 2
tooltip_show_timeout = 0.7
tooltip_hide_timeout = 0.3
tooltip_background_id = 1
tooltip_font_color = #OOOOOO 80
tooltip_font = sans 10
mouse_middle = none
mouse_right = close
mouse_scroll_up = toggle
mouse_scroll_down = iconify
autohide = 0
autohide_show_timeout = 0.3
autohide_hide_timeout = 2
autohide_height = 4
strut_policy = minimum
Pt bmpanel2 se gasesc teme foarte frumoase aici cel mai mult,preferata mea fiind aceasta.
Dockuri si launchere:
Unul dintre cele mai lightweight si folosite dockuri este wbar,care se gaseste inca in repozitorii.Pt a-l putea configura dupa alegere proprie trebuie copiat fisierul dot.wbar din /usr/share/wbar/ in ~/ si redenumit in .wbar.Prin editarea fisierului ~/.wbar putem configura astfel wbar dupa preferinte sau se poate folosi aplicatia wbarconf ce poate fi descarcata de aici.
File managere:
Puteti folosi aproape orice file manager in Openbox: Thunar,PCManFM,Rox-Filer,Konqueror,Dolphin,Krusader,Xfe,Nautilus(cu comanda "nautilus --no-desktop" insa),toate mergand foarte bine in openbox.Preferatul meu care mi se pare cel mai potrivit este bineinteles thunar file manager.
Pt configurarea inputurilor cu ajutorul tastelor specifice se foloseste cu succes aplicatia obkey.
System monitor:
In Openbox se pot folosi monitoare de sistem din Gnome sau KDE,unul dintre cele mai folosite fiind conky de altfel,dar la fel de bine se poate folosi si gkrellm2 system monitor.
Poate parea surprinzator ca intr-un window manager minimalist si atat de sarac ca Openbox sa putem avea si incerca macar aplicatii care sa poata infrumuseta chiar si acest mediu atat de spartan si rigid chiar. Si totusi exista si chiar se folosesc destul de uzual si cu succes.
Cel mai folosit este xcompmgr care poate oferi un minim efect de compozitie.
sudo apt-get install xcompmgr
Pt a-l porni si testa:
xcompmgr -cC
Pt a putea avea insa si meniuri translucide exista un xcompmgr patchuit pt openbox si anume xcompmgr-dana care poate fi luat numai din repozitoriile CrunchBangLinux doar sau din git.
Personal gasesc cel mai bun cairo-compmgr ,avand cele mai multe si bune efecte compozite.
Puteti folosi la fel de bine pachetele din acest ubuntu ppa,chiar daca sunt pt Maverick.
Alta aplicatie interesanta ar mai fi si 3ddesktop pt desktop cube in openbox. Poate fi instalat si de aici mai ales iar pt folosire ii pot fi atribuite keybindings cu ajutorul lui obkey.
Pt transparente se pot folosi si transset sau transset-df.
Autostart aplicatii:
Pt pornirea automata a aplicatiilor dorite si necesare in openbox acestea trebuiesc sa fie adaugate in fisierul autostart din ~/.config/openbox/.
Ca un exemplu postez aici fisierul meu autostart pt openbox:
# These things are run when an Openbox X Session is started.
# You may place a similar script in $HOME/.config/openbox/autostart
# to run user-specific things.
# If you want to use GNOME config tools...
#if test -x /usr/lib/openbox/gnome-settings-daemon >/dev/null; then
# /usr/lib/openbox/gnome-settings-daemon &
#elif which gnome-settings-daemon >/dev/null; then
# gnome-settings-daemon &
# If you want to use XFCE config tools...
#xfce-mcs-manager &
feh --bg-scale /home/laur/Pictures/1440x900.jpg &
sleep 10 && conky &
sleep 10 && wbar -pos bottom &
bmpanel2 --theme=glass &
cairo-compmgr &
dropboxd &
xscreensaver --no-splash &
In continuare mai postez si alte screenshoturi cu Openbox-ul meu setat avand ca file manager Thunar,si cu wbar dock,conky,bmpanel2 cu tema glass,3DDesktop,cairo-compmgr si dupa cum se poate observa mai atent si transparenta personalizata cu gtk2-engines-murrine chiar.
Tema openbox este debianizied focus pocus,tema gtk este cristal-blue murrine,icoane Awoken.
Teme,icoane,obconf si lxappearance:
Pt customizarea personala a openbox se folosesc aplicatiile obconf si lxappearance de unde se pot modifica toate aspectele openbox:teme,icoane,mouse cursor,fonturi,etc.
Pt temele gtk se folosesc gtk theme switcher sau gtk chtheme switch.
Cele mai multe si interesante teme pt openbox se gasesc pe site-urile,,freshmeat,etc. Read More...
duminică, 31 iulie 2011
Ultimate Edition 3.0 Lite Final
Theemahn se pare ca-si continua treaba la un nou release Ultimate Edition in stilu-i caracteristic deja,mai incet dar sigur.De data aceasta s-a gandit si la cei cu resurse hardware mai vechi si reduse si a scos si o editie lite bazata pe Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhall de doar cca 700MB avand ca desktopuri ultimul XFCE4 si Openbox.Editia cu Gnome va fi doar cea clasica fara Unity deocamdata sau Gnome 3 Shell.
Enjoy your weekend gentlemen!
Enjoy your weekend gentlemen!
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sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2011
KDE 4.6.80(4.7 Beta 1) PT KUBUNTU/UBUNTU
Dupa cum bine stiti,cred,cei care sunt fani KDE 4,de cateva zile a aparut deja si prima lansare KDE 4.7,chiar daca varianta beta 1 doar,mai precis 4.6.80 dev.
Pt utilizatorii de Kubuntu/Ubuntu si mai ales pt cei care inca nu pot sau nu vor sa-l compileze din surse/git exista din fericire si un ppa: Project Neon .
Nu trebuie decat sa-l adaugati in sursele software si sa-l instalati.Adica mai pe scurt si precis:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install project-neon-kde-workspace
Log-out dupa care din gdm/kdm alegeti sesiunea Project-neon si gata:
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duminică, 15 mai 2011
Aici am gasit o rezolvare pt problema cu decoratia de ferestre emerald theme engine in Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhall si toate derivatele sale care chiar merge.Am incercat-o si testat-o,am facut chiar si un pachet deb pt 64bit doar si voila',iata si proba/dovada:
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Este de ceva timp in lucru deja de catre Theemahn noul Ultimate Edition 3.0 bazat pe recentul lansat Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhall ca de obicei cu noi teme si rezolvari ale unor buguri si probleme "mostenite".Deocamdata este gata pt test doar varianta pe 32bit pe care o puteti descarca ca de obicei de aici.
Pt varianta pe 64bit urmariti cu interes site-ul in continuare,cine stie cand...
Trebuie apreciat insa si faptul ca Theemahn s-a apucat dinnou de treaba,chiar daca cu ceva intarziere,tinand cont ca in ultima perioada a trecut prin niste drame familiale si personale grele,prietena sa de peste 8 ani Karen tocmai ce a murit rapusa de un cancer pulmonar,dupa ce si un fiu de al ei si mama sa chiar murisera deja de diferite alte boli si accidente.
Aici puteti urmari mai multe imagini pregatitoare pt UE3.0:
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marți, 22 martie 2011
Ultimate Edition 2.9 Released.
What is Ultimate Edition 2.9? Ultimate Edition 2.9 was built off Ultimate Edition 2.8 which is built off Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat. All updates fully updated / upgraded old kernels purged, new initrd and vmlinuz rebuilt. Ultimate Edition 2.9 as with all odd release numbers was built with KDE users in mind. Ultimate Edition 2.9 has KDE, Gnome, Openbox and XFCE environments user selectable at login. A crisp new theme (121 to choose from) & tons of new software. LXDE was broken at time of build on the 32 bit side, so it did not make the cut I am sorry.
I also want to apologize for the delay of the release, my girlfriend of 11 years has been battling cancer & I do not spend anywhere close to the time I used to spend writing software etc. I know to many of you this is a major release and I should take time to explain in vivid detail what this is. I must once again apologize time has not & currently is not on my side. Please take it as what Ultimate Edition has always been, those that run it understand what I mean. Hopefully the statement a picture says a 1,000 words will pick up where I left off.
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.9
Architecture: x86 (32 bit)
Release Base: Ultimate Edition 2.8 (Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat)
Environments: KDE, Gnome, XFCE, Openbox
Filesize: 3.0 GB (2,954,553,344 bytes)
MD5SUM: ce45a78485cc3224005baeb256cfdca3
Get Ultimate Edition at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.9
Architecture: x64 (64 bit)
Release Base: Ultimate Edition 2.8 (Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat)
Environments: KDE, Gnome, XFCE, Openbox, LXDE
Filesize: 2.9 GB (2,935,584,768 bytes)
MD5SUM: 5b0ba38fb1f7c33e810b5d090d68b5e6]
Get Ultimate Edition at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads
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marți, 22 februarie 2011
Oz Unity 1.0 Debut.
Since the introduction of Microsoft Windows, computing has become open to the masses. This in itself was a good thing as with general acceptance of computing came open information exchange and connectivity. Windows however, was designed to make money and as such was developed from a business perspective – not a social one. Linux had a similar issue, however, it had one thing in its favour – Open Source.
Open Source allowed Linux to evolve and become whatever visionaries could conceive. From a boring business server, scientific tool, educational device to a functional desktop personal computer. Anything was possible, and still is. Canonicals Ubuntu operating system has blazed the trail in creating a functional stable desktop usable by people with a moderate to high knowledge of computing – the problem here being that 85-90% of computer users fall beneath this level of computing knowledge.
Various projects have been started to address this problem, such as 'Ultimate Edition', 'Mint', 'Kubuntu', all of which are excellent and serve certain purposes. I enjoyed using each and still do, but something just didn't feel right, it just wasn't me. Users struggling with Windows and viruses and spyware etc.. were still dumbfounded and perplexed when trying to deal with a Linux operating system. There was a need for an operating system which was as easy as could be – both from an installation point of view and an ease of use point of view. Something with all the hard work done such as Codecs, Flash and Java. A healthy mix of commonly used and required applications, not a huge clump of programs causing confusion to new users. An operating system with a look and feel pleasant to a majority of new users – not just the enlightened geeks amongst us. An operating system which can easily grow and be tailored to your personal wants and requirements.
To create an operating system which would target new users to Linux or computing in general. An easy to install system which is inviting and intuitive to use, enhanced with applications that the majority of users would require on a day by day basis, which could easily be tailored to any individuals needs. In creating this project, we would provide the nucleus of this system and through consultation with the public on our forum, continue to evolve into something that will become indispensable for personal computer users world wide. During this process, we would also like to teach you how to create your own system – Give a man a fish...
Burn the downloaded ISO 'image' to a DVD and then boot from the DVD. Alternatively if you don't have an optical drive, you can create a startup disk to USB flash drive and then boot your computer from there.
Known Issues:
If you are installing side by side with other operating systems, you may see a 'mounting' error appear on screen during install. You may need to cancel this message two or three times and has no consequence on the installation. After installation, on restart, Grub will not show your other installed operating systems. Continue loading into Oz Unity. Once in Oz, press Alt-F2 and in the dialogue box, type: gksu update-grub and press enter. Enter your password when asked and that's it.
If you would like to be part of this project, you are more than welcome to do so in whatever form you would like. From a tester, suggester to artist and coder. It should be fun and informative and together we may well just change the world.
By downloading and using this system you acknowledge that Codecs, Flash and Java are pre installed and agree to their respective licences.
Blackwolf,Moebius,Wildinc & Wind, your forum administrators. ( A huge thanks to mmesantos1 for the amazing wallpapers & associated artwork.)
Download Link: Oz Unity 1.0 Download Link
Size: 1.8Gb (1907396608 bytes)
MD5Sum: 2e2d190e1c72357b58eed7c463c80bdc
Since the introduction of Microsoft Windows, computing has become open to the masses. This in itself was a good thing as with general acceptance of computing came open information exchange and connectivity. Windows however, was designed to make money and as such was developed from a business perspective – not a social one. Linux had a similar issue, however, it had one thing in its favour – Open Source.
Open Source allowed Linux to evolve and become whatever visionaries could conceive. From a boring business server, scientific tool, educational device to a functional desktop personal computer. Anything was possible, and still is. Canonicals Ubuntu operating system has blazed the trail in creating a functional stable desktop usable by people with a moderate to high knowledge of computing – the problem here being that 85-90% of computer users fall beneath this level of computing knowledge.
Various projects have been started to address this problem, such as 'Ultimate Edition', 'Mint', 'Kubuntu', all of which are excellent and serve certain purposes. I enjoyed using each and still do, but something just didn't feel right, it just wasn't me. Users struggling with Windows and viruses and spyware etc.. were still dumbfounded and perplexed when trying to deal with a Linux operating system. There was a need for an operating system which was as easy as could be – both from an installation point of view and an ease of use point of view. Something with all the hard work done such as Codecs, Flash and Java. A healthy mix of commonly used and required applications, not a huge clump of programs causing confusion to new users. An operating system with a look and feel pleasant to a majority of new users – not just the enlightened geeks amongst us. An operating system which can easily grow and be tailored to your personal wants and requirements.
To create an operating system which would target new users to Linux or computing in general. An easy to install system which is inviting and intuitive to use, enhanced with applications that the majority of users would require on a day by day basis, which could easily be tailored to any individuals needs. In creating this project, we would provide the nucleus of this system and through consultation with the public on our forum, continue to evolve into something that will become indispensable for personal computer users world wide. During this process, we would also like to teach you how to create your own system – Give a man a fish...
Burn the downloaded ISO 'image' to a DVD and then boot from the DVD. Alternatively if you don't have an optical drive, you can create a startup disk to USB flash drive and then boot your computer from there.
Known Issues:
If you are installing side by side with other operating systems, you may see a 'mounting' error appear on screen during install. You may need to cancel this message two or three times and has no consequence on the installation. After installation, on restart, Grub will not show your other installed operating systems. Continue loading into Oz Unity. Once in Oz, press Alt-F2 and in the dialogue box, type: gksu update-grub and press enter. Enter your password when asked and that's it.
If you would like to be part of this project, you are more than welcome to do so in whatever form you would like. From a tester, suggester to artist and coder. It should be fun and informative and together we may well just change the world.
By downloading and using this system you acknowledge that Codecs, Flash and Java are pre installed and agree to their respective licences.
Blackwolf,Moebius,Wildinc & Wind, your forum administrators. ( A huge thanks to mmesantos1 for the amazing wallpapers & associated artwork.)
Download Link: Oz Unity 1.0 Download Link
Size: 1.8Gb (1907396608 bytes)
MD5Sum: 2e2d190e1c72357b58eed7c463c80bdc
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sâmbătă, 5 februarie 2011
Ultimate Edition 2.9
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.9
Release Base: Ultimate Edition 2.8
Architecture: x64
Environments: Gnome, KDE, OpenBox, LXDE, XFCE
Filesize: 2.7 GB (2,931,759,104 bytes)
MD5SUM: 0855b578ca6a46cec97bedcc23e0115f
Este inca in progres si deocamdata este gata doar versiunea pe 64 biti.Pt cei care vor sa incerce totusi o pot descarca de aici .
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sâmbătă, 15 ianuarie 2011
De curand TheeMahn si UE team a lansat si Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 bazat pe Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04.1 LTS:
Updates / Upgrades:
Bug Fixes:
Additional Software:
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 LTS
Architecture: x86 (32 bit)
Codebase: Ultimate Edition 2.6 (Ubuntu 10.04.1 Lucid Lynx)
Environment(s): Gnome
Filesize: 2.4 GB (2,573,973,504 bytes)
MD5SUM: 6cbcfd7f0fe0a05827e47fd604205cfe
Download: 32 Bit
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 LTS
Architecture: x64 (64 bit)
Codebase: Ultimate Edition 2.6 (Ubuntu 10.04.1 Lucid Lynx)
Environment(s): Gnome
Filesize: 2.5 GB (2,657,875,968 bytes)
MD5SUM: 3cff444b22486be2dfc0c5c49c08bf40
Download: 64 Bit
Updates / Upgrades:
- 10.04.1 is the base of the build, many fixes and upgrades pre and post applied.
- Kernel 2.6.32-27 (rebuild of vmlinuz and initrd.lz & purged all older kernels)
- All Ultimate Edition based themes rebuilt and replaced (this will add gigs of additional space to the O/S in the future)
Bug Fixes:
- Cursor / Compiz issue
- Broken repository removed
- Removed wine-doors (broken)
- Fixed metapackage
- Fixed progressbar going beyond 100%
Additional Software:
- Ailurus
- Imagination
- Cairo clock
- Miro
- Moovida
- Exaile
- Conky script
- Samba
- Gphpedit
- Chromium browser
- Sound juicer
- Rip off
- Ultimate Edition 2.8 theme (Ultimate Edition 2.6 theme remains default)
- Ultimate Edition 2.9 theme (proposed)
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 LTS
Architecture: x86 (32 bit)
Codebase: Ultimate Edition 2.6 (Ubuntu 10.04.1 Lucid Lynx)
Environment(s): Gnome
Filesize: 2.4 GB (2,573,973,504 bytes)
MD5SUM: 6cbcfd7f0fe0a05827e47fd604205cfe
Download: 32 Bit
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.6.1 LTS
Architecture: x64 (64 bit)
Codebase: Ultimate Edition 2.6 (Ubuntu 10.04.1 Lucid Lynx)
Environment(s): Gnome
Filesize: 2.5 GB (2,657,875,968 bytes)
MD5SUM: 3cff444b22486be2dfc0c5c49c08bf40
Download: 64 Bit
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