sâmbătă, 1 septembrie 2012

Black Opal 32 Release

The journey continues with the release of Black Opal 32. The question for each man to settle is not what he would do if he had means, time, influence and educational advantages; the question is what he will do with the things he has. The moment a man ceases to dream or to bemoan his lack of opportunities and resolutely looks his conditions in the face, and resolves to change them, he lays the corner-stone of a solid and honorable success. - Hamilton Wright Mabie.

To provide an operating system which would target new users to Linux or computing in general. An easy to install system which is inviting and intuitive to use, enhanced with applications that the majority of users would require on a day by day basis, which could easily be tailored to any individuals needs. In creating this project, we would provide the nucleus of this system and through consultation with the public on our forum, continue to evolve into something that will become indispensable for personal computer users world wide. During this process, we would also like to teach you how to create your own system – Give a man a fish...

Burn the downloaded ISO 'image' to a DVD and then boot from the DVD. Alternatively if you don't have an optical drive, you can create a startup disk to USB flash drive and then boot your computer from there.

Known Issues:
Lenses and Scopes are a new addition and unfortunately at time of release still have a bit to go to be considered polished. Lenses and scopes do require an internet connection to function correctly. During your initial usage of these, you may encounter an 'Ubuntu has reported a crash' dialogue box. DO NOT PANIC! It is an annoyance only at this stage. If you continue past the error, it will settle down of it's own accord. As further updates come through, they will become stable. If you are annoyed by this, you can remove individual lenses and scopes if you wish via Synaptic - personally I felt it was too good an option to leave out so I left them in even though they may cause a hiccup or two. This does not affect the stability of the system at all.

If you would like to be part of this project, you are more than welcome to do so in whatever form you would like. From a tester, suggester to artist and coder. It should be fun and informative and together we may well just change the world.

By downloading and using this system you acknowledge that Codecs, Flash and Java are pre installed and agree to their respective licences.

DVD Live Session:
During the Live session, you will be able to experience all the environments included. To do so, simply 'Log out' and when you a greeted by the Log In screen again, type in 'opal' as a user name, click on the Oz Logo and choose which environment you would like, then simply hit [enter] for the password (there is no password).

Oz Unity 3.0 - Black Opal 32 is based on Canonicals Ubuntu 12.04. This is a long term support base. Whilst we've tried to test on as many different units as we could there is no guarantee it will work on all. If you like this remix, then GREAT! if not, thanks for trying but please don't 'hate' - we're simply trying to 'give back' to a community that has given us so much.

This has been a collaborative work, taking on board suggestions provided by the Ultimate Edition Oz Community. In great part, I would like to thank (In no particular order); Blackwolf, INX, Linuxfreack, Miguelsanchez666, mmesantos1, Wind, Delicadaz, cyberboy109, LinuxPusher and JOHNNYG for their outstanding contributions, effort, diligence, motivation and friendship. Without them, we would not have this latest installment of Oz Unity. Take another bow gentlemen.

MD5Sum: de3c12dc5dc8c3f1f122027da5f9cc39

32 Bit Architecture Computer with PAE support
1Gb Ram (minimum)
13Gb Available HDD
Video Accelerator suggested but not essential.

Available via download tab at: https://www.ultimateeditionoz.com
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